St Laurence College
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L.I.F.E Group

L.I.F.E Group

The Living In Faith Experience (L.I.F.E.) group began in the College in 2007 and has grown and developed since that time. It is a unique programme special to the Marianist tradition at St Laurence College. Students involved in the group meet together during the school day weekly and for evening meetings at the Marianist Brothers’ House monthly.
The purpose of these meetings is to provide time out for young people with a safe place to discuss their faith. In providing such opportunities, we strive to encourage them to deepen and enrich that faith with some fun and games along the way. All students involved get a chance to mix with other students in different years and the students build up a great rapport and trust in the moderators.

The LIFE group are actively involved in School Liturgies, Chaminade Week and Fundraising activities at St. Laurence College. In October 2010 we introduced a junior LIFE programme which gives junior cycle students an opportunity to sample Marianist LIFE. What is so unique and special about this particular programme is that it is run by the senior cycle students in the school. All the students who particapte in this programme only say positive things and to take a quote from our most recent LIFE meeting “LIFE is Learning In a Fun Environment”

As part of the LIFE programme each year, St Laurence College sends representatives to the Annual LIFE Summer Programme in Dayton, Ohio, USA. The LIFE coordinating group select certain LIFE group candidates to go after a successful application and interview process.

For more information regarding the group, you can contact the members of the LIFE coordinating group at St. Laurence College: Mary Mc Bride (School Chaplain) or Fr. Mike Reaume.

L.I.F.E News 12/02/19

The Marianist LIFE group had the privilege of welcoming Bro. Jesse O Neill, Assistant for Marianist Education on the Provincial council of the USA to our school on Monday 4th February.

After a brief visit to our school last September, Bro Jesse expressed a wish to spend some time with the students on his next visit to Ireland, so we arranged for him to meet with the LIFE group and to spend some time with them. Unfortunately our 4th Year LIFEr’s were out on work experience, so Bro Jesse only got to spend time with our 1st, 5th and 6th year members and LIFE moderators Ms Conti and Mrs McBride. Fr Mike also joined us for this special occasion.

Firstly we met in our beautiful Prayer Room for prayer and then went to the Art room. There was a lot of laughter as we painted our hands prints with our colours of choice. We added the prints to a piece of art that was commissioned for the 50th celebrations last year.

We ended our time together sharing pizzas, playing games and having good conversation. Hospitality and welcome are some much part of being a Marianist Community and it was wonderful to share this experience with Bro Jesse.

By Mary McBride

School Chaplain

L.I.F.E Group
Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Letter to Parents(s) Guardian(s) from Dr Paul Kavanagh HSE Tobacco Free Ireland
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