St Laurence College

Halloween with Fred- Fun and Fancy Dress 2023

Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023

Halloween 2023 with Fred and Fun and Fancy Dress

Thanks Bro. Fred, Bro. Gerry and Eamon for bringing us together in family spirit this morning for the end of the term.

We had fun dressing up in fancy dress. We laughed a lot!

The carving of the pumpkin is one of our most important school traditions and this year we probably had the biggest collection of spooky characters yet!

Mr. FitzGerald and Mr. O' Riordan would like to wish everyone in our school community a safe and happy Halloween break!

Enjoy the photos from the morning!

Check out twitter @stlaurencecoll2 for the photos too!

Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023Halloween with Fred and Fancy Dress 2023
Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
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