St Laurence College
Exam revision

Whole School Guidance

Whole School Guidance

At St. Laurence College we appreciate that one of the most important decisions that our students will make in their lives is the one about their career choice. In our school the Guidance Department offers a caring and supportive role where students can go to obtain career advice. They can also avail of personal counselling in a wide range of issues. This service provides a safe and confidential environment where students are encouraged and cared for throughout their time at St. Laurence College. Students may self-refer to the Guidance Counsellor or may be referred by a member of staff or by their parent/guardian.

Additionally, parents/guardians who wish to speak to the Guidance Counsellor can make an appointment through the school’s main office or alternatively email

Guidance and Counselling covers a wide range of learning experiences. Our school’s Guidance Programme is designed to assist and support our students in making important choices in their lives and consequently making transitions related to these choices. In order to provide a comprehensive guidance service to our students, the Guidance Counsellor liaises with the school Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads, Tutors, Class Teachers and Learning Support Teachers.

The role of the Guidance Counsellor may be categorised into three separate but interlinked areas:

Social & Personal Counselling:

This area involves individual, group and class work in relation to areas such as self-management, mental health, dealing with anger, anxiety, social skills etc. Students can also avail of individual counselling sessions in order to assist them in coping with particular stressful situations or difficulties they may be encountering in their lives. Students can explore different ways to solve their problems, change behaviour and make important decisions.

Educational Guidance:

This area involves individual and class work which provides support and information for decision making in relation to subject choice, entry requirements and subject levels.

The Guidance Counsellor is also involved in helping students with the transition from primary school into secondary school and from Leaving Cert onto further education or the world of work.

Additionally, each student’s inherent talents and natural ability is taken into consideration when working on individualised educational support plans. Educational Guidance also includes such topics as self-motivation, organisation, study skills and examination techniques.

Career Guidance:

This area involves individual, group and class work to assist students with decision making in relation to higher and further education courses as well as employment opportunities. Guidance classes cover topics such as: CV preparation, mock interviews, filling out application forms, cover letters etc.

It also provides students with accurate up to date and relevant information regarding CAO, the HEAR and DARE access schemes, and grants/scholarships. Senior students are encouraged to attend college open days and in school talks from guest speakers in order to help them in their decision making regarding courses and careers.

To explore Mental Health Supports for Young People please click here.

Please find the Inspection Report on our recent Guidance Inspection here.


To view/download the presentation please click here.

The Higher Education Access Route to Education (HEAR) and The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) application deadlines are fast approaching.

HEAR is an alternative admissions route which supports students who are for social, financial or cultural reasons under-represented in third level education. The scheme gives pre-entry support such as a points reduction and support is continued when the student goes on to attend university.
DARE is another alternative admissions route that offers college places at a reduced points level to students that have a disability which has had a negative impact on their second level education.

Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Letter to Parents(s) Guardian(s) from Dr Paul Kavanagh HSE Tobacco Free Ireland
St Laurence College,
Wyattville Rd,
Co. Dublin,
D18 AK07

01 282 6930

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