FUSE Parent/ Guardian Survey 2023
As a FUSE registered school partnering with the DCU Anti-Bullying Centre, we asking all parent(s)/guardian(s) to encourage their student to complete a short survey.
The survey focuses on gathering insights about the impact of social media platforms on young people and their social media preferences.
More information on the survey is available here.
The Lead Researcher is seeking students in the age group of 13 to 18 years to complete the survey.
Information about the procedure to investigate an alleged bullying incident can be explored in our policy: Anti- Bullying Policy (October 2023)
For details of our Annual Review of Anti-Bullying Procedures please click here (Updated October 23)
We are delighted to be a partner school with DCU Anti-Bullying Centre (ABC) delivering the FUSE Anti-Bullying Online Safety Programme to our students.
In line with FUSE recommendations, we support the UNESCO Whole Education Approach in tackling Bullying and Online Safety in our school, which is led by our students and where their voices are valued and heard.
Together with the support of FUSE and our active communication of our school Anti-Bullying Policy we are making a tangible difference in encouraging increased reporting resulting in decreased bullying.
As part of the FUSE Programme studnets are encouraged to:
-How to spot the signs of bullying both online and offline – RECOGNISE
-How to take personal responsibility safely – RESPOND
-How to “break the silence” – REPORT
To find out more about visit FUSE - www.antibullyingcentre.ie/fuse
Anti-Bullying Week 2022:
Click here for the DCU Anti-Bullying Centre (A.B.C) Drop Everything and Reflect Anti- Bullying Whole School Lesson.