Welcome to A4 - The Behaviour for Learning Room.
In A4 students are supported to build skills in the following areas: organisation, concentration and communication.
Students are also encouraged to be creative and get to know their thoughts and feelings
Some of the programmes delivered in A4 are: The Alert Programme, Getting it Together, People Skills and Friends for Life
Behaviour can be helpful or unhelpful and the main focus of the BFL programme is to support students to develop positive relationships that enable them to fully engage in their classroom.
For more information please click the link here to the National Council for Special Education (N.C.S.E) Behaviour for Learning Programme page.
Students who participate individual, small group and/or group work in A4 are supported in a number of the following areas:
Skills for the Classroom:
Self-Regulation: Concentration
The Learning Brain: Truine Brain
Routines: Organisation, Homework and Memory
Routines: Sleep (Sleep Architecture and Sleep Hygiene)
Routines: Breakfast, Recess and Lunch
Communications: Defence Mechanisms
Communications: Active Listening
Self-Awareness: Strengths and Challenges
Self-Awareness: Body Language
Self-Awareness: Assumptions and First Impressions
Self- Awareness: Personal Space
Self-Awareness:Voice Volume and Tone
Understanding: Feelings and Empathy
Understanding: Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
Understanding: Mindfulness
Understanding: Gratitude and Happiness
Understanding: Powerful Thoughts
Understanding: Problem Solving
Understanding: Friendship and Bullying
Understanding: Powerful Feelings- Anger
Understanding: Creativity and Self-Expression
Wellbeing (Individual Student Support)
Am I Active: Physical Activity
Am I Aware: (OF) My Thoughts, Feeling, Behaviour and Values?
Am I Connected: (TO) Friends and Community?
Am I Resilient: Do I have a Toolkit of Coping Skills?
Am I Responsible: Do I Make Healthy and Helpful Choices?
Am I Respected: Do I Have Positive and Supportive Relationships?
Literacy and Numeracy Support
Reading and Comprehension Skills