St Laurence College
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About the Marianists

About the Marianists

The Marianists are an international religious order of brothers and priests who came to Ireland in 1967 from the U.S.. Since then, four Irish men have made life commitments to the congregation while a few of the Americans who came to Ireland in the early years continue to minister here. The order is distinguished by certain charisms, or gifts given by God for the benefit of the Church. These charisms guide all Marianist programmes and works.

People of Faith

As spiritual individuals, Marianists strive to carry out God’s will in their service to others.

Followers of Mary

Marianists view Mary as the model of discipleship. Just as Mary gave birth to Jesus, Marianists seek to bring the presence of Jesus to life within themselves and others.

People of Community

Marianists believe that living, praying and supporting one another in community enriches their faith and strengthens their ability to meet world challenges – especially problems associated with poverty and lack of education.

Discipleship of Equals

Brothers and priests share equal status within the Society of Mary.

Leaders in Mission

The Marianist mission is to bring Christ to the world and to work for the coming of His kingdom.

The Marianist brothers and priests are delighted to share information about their lives with anybody interested in considering the Marianist religious life.

Marianist Links

The gifts outlined above are found in the Marianist religious order but they also inspire and are lived by groups of associated Christians. These lay Marianists have grown in number in recent years and have developed their own international connections.

For further information about these Marianist groups of associated Christians click here

To learn more about the history of the Marianists in St. Laurence College click here.

About the MarianistsAbout the MarianistsAbout the MarianistsAbout the Marianists
Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Letter to Parents(s) Guardian(s) from Dr Paul Kavanagh HSE Tobacco Free Ireland
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