The Third Wave Art Challenge Gallery Added
Enjoy Scrolling Through all the ARRRR.....TTTTT below on the website!
Click the main image and swipe on the app!
I shrimply can't believe the amount of art that flooded in on The Third Wave! There are parrots with pirates and a pirate who is a parrot, beards, boats, sea buddies and even a skipper! If I was Salmon Cowell I would have to say that Erin's (2B) wild eyed pirate with snake tattoo is one of my favourites! What image would you pick? They are all jawsome so check out all the creativity!
Don't forget the Share the Love Art Project is back for 2021 here.
And the March of the Monsters Art Challenge is also coming back.... and you guessed it... it starts in March.
Until then stay creative and keep your heart up!
The Third Wave Art Challenge
Yo ho ho! ... Matey! How is remote learning going? I hope you haven't abandoned ship yet? Arrrr you completing all your assignments ... hook, line and sinker! Arrrrr using your aye ... pad or your aye ... phone? Did you have to parley with your teachers through Google Classroom?
Before you have to walk the plank....we are anchoraging you today to stay hooked on drawing for fun with Week 3 of The Third Wave now added! And yes.... you guessed it.. the final week is pirates! These images are great to have fun drawing them in your own style or maybe draw a realistic version? The artist Karl Kopinski sketches amazing pirates! Plop his name and 'pirates' into google images and be inspired! To view/download the images click here.

The Third Wave Art Challenge- Week 2
Cod I borrow you for five minutes? This might be the first time you are herring about this art challenge. I hope you don't trout your creative ability because this is a reel oppor-tuna-ty to clam down and use your imagination and have fun. Week 2 is now added to the challenge. This week.... you guessed it.. is fishermen. The challenge is to draw one of these characters in your own style. To view/download Week 2 click here.

Even if you haven't drawn in ages give it a go. Any fin is possible! You might enjoy it! Check out @stlaurencecoll2 for some uploads from Week 1.
I have uploaded my art! It's not bad cod do batter!
Ok.... think I'm goin scale back on the puns now until next week! Have fun!
The Third Wave Art Challenge- Week 1
Are you finding yourself totally ‘at sea’ in this third wave of COVID 19?
I know the feeling!...... I used to have a fear of boats..... but that ship has sailed!
It reely has been an eventful New Year! You are knot in class again! But you are not off the hook and we are asking you to hanchor down with a new porpoise in remote learning with your teachers.
I wrecken you will get use to this rowtine and looking at the daily figures over Christmas it was going to happen schooner or later.
But bouy I can’t wait to tell you about our new oarsome art challenge ‘The Third Wave.’
And yes… you guessed it …. this art challenge has a nautical theme.
Each Monday (11th, 18th and 25th) we will post two characters on the website and you have to draw one of them in your style. Take a photo of your art and email it to before Friday of each week for your art to be featured on twitter @stlaurencecoll2
The first week is a sailor! Make your version of the character realistic, or manga or cartoon….or… change the character…. give him a scar or a tattoos…. make him tough or not so tough… you decide… use your style! Use your imagination…. being creative will definitely release some much needed endolphins and make you feel good! Get your crew to take part in the challenge… pier pressure can be positive too!

January is a great month to start a sketch book! If you get a second wind combrine ‘The Third Wave’ with Karen Hickey’s #21portraits21days portrait challenge. Karen will be posting a reference image every day on her Instagram for the remaining 21 days of January for you to also draw in your style. Post your art on social media with #21portraits21days. To follow Karen’s challenge click here! @karen_h_art
So go one…. barge right into these art challenges! Art can dolphinitely help us to connect as a community over the next three weeks!
To view/download Week 1 of the Third Wave click here. Download a drawing template here.
I can’t think of anymore boat puns! ….. Canoe?
Stay tuned for more nautical humour and some ferry impressive art @stlaurencecoll2