St Laurence College
Exam revision

Google Drive- Important Remote Learning Reminders

Important reminder for all parents and students. Teachers are sharing remote learning assignments through student school gmail accounts, Google Classroom and Google Drive.
Google Drive- Important Remote Learning Reminders

Important reminder for all parents and students. Teachers are sharing remote learning assignments through student school Gmail accounts, Google Classroom and Google Drive.

Mr. Devine has shared the following files with all students:

  1. Google Documents Cheat Sheet
  2. Google Drive Cheat Sheet
  3. Google Email Cheat Sheet
  4. How to Hand in Assignment

Important Reminder- Access to Google Drive and Google Classroom is through the the Google Apps tab when you sign into gmail at the top right hand corner of your screen .


Students should check their Google Drive to see what folders are shared with them from their teachers and what assignement are due.

Google Drive- Important Remote Learning RemindersGoogle Drive- Important Remote Learning Reminders
Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Letter to Parents(s) Guardian(s) from Dr Paul Kavanagh HSE Tobacco Free Ireland
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Wyattville Rd,
Co. Dublin,
D18 AK07

01 282 6930

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