St Laurence College
Exam revision

Community Day 2023

Enjoy all the photos from Community Day
Community Day 2023

Community Day 2023 Gallery

Ice-cream, ducks, slow bicycle races, painted faces, stalls, sports, a Llama and even a quiet creative corner!

We had it all and everything in between on Community Day 2023.

Enjoy our gallery of photos from the day!

Mr. FitzGerald and Mr. O' Riordan would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who planned the day to helped it to become a reality!

Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023Community Day 2023
Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Letter to Parents(s) Guardian(s) from Dr Paul Kavanagh HSE Tobacco Free Ireland
St Laurence College,
Wyattville Rd,
Co. Dublin,
D18 AK07

01 282 6930

Le Cheile - A Catholic Schools Trust
© 2025 St Laurence College