St Laurence College
Exam revision

Board of Management Election- Nomination of Parents

The term of office of the current Board of Management expires in October 2020 following its three-year tenure. A new Board of Management will be appointed by our Trustees in early October and will serve from October 2020 - October 2023.
Board of Management Election- Nomination of Parents

Board of Management Election

The term of office of the current Board of Management expires in October 2020 following its three-year tenure.

A new Board of Management will be appointed by our Trustees in early October and will serve from October 2020 - October 2023.

The Board is composed of eight members as follows:

  • Four members nominated by the trustees of the school (Le Chéile Schools Trust)
  • Two parents / legal guardians of students currently in the school, elected by parents / guardians also currently in the school
  • Two Teachers nominated by their teaching colleagues.
  • The appointed ‘Board of Management' is referred to as a ‘Body Corporate’ as members of the Board do not act in a representational capacity. Rather they bring their respective insight to bear, coming from their particular experience and background.
  • In order to elect the two nominees from parents / guardians, I am writing to you to seek nominations to go forward for election. Please note the following procedures for the election:
  • Nominations for the election should be submitted by email, by 5pm on Wednesday 14th October 2020 using the attached Nomination Form to:
  • Click here for the nomination form
  • A person may nominate himself/herself or be nominated by another person. All nominees and nominators must be parents of students currently attending the college.
  • Each nomination must be accompanied by an endorsement signed by the candidate being nominated. Please see the attached Nomination Form.
  • The names of candidates will be advised to parents on the ballot should there be a need for an election. A maximum of six names will be on the ballot – the names of the highest nominations received.
  • The election will be conducted by secret online ballot and the successful candidate will be the person who gains the greatest number of votes in that ballot.

A special debt of gratitude is owed to all who serve on our Board of Management. This work is done on a voluntary basis and it requires a commitment in terms of time and goodwill.

With the involvement of parents, teachers and trustee nominees, our Board of Management represents a true example of local partnership in action.

We look forward to your support in this matter.

Yours sincerely,


Mr. Shane FitzGerald

Secretary to the Board of Management

Our TY students had an amazing time on their trip to Carlingford!
Thanks Fred for gathering us together at the end of term.
Letter to Parents(s) Guardian(s) from Dr Paul Kavanagh HSE Tobacco Free Ireland
St Laurence College,
Wyattville Rd,
Co. Dublin,
D18 AK07

01 282 6930

Le Cheile - A Catholic Schools Trust
© 2025 St Laurence College