St. Brigid's Day
It is an important tradition in the college to make St. Brigid's Day crosses. Bro. Fred and Mr. Doran cut the fresh rushes on the edge of Roundwood reservoir at the beginning of the week and after lots of sorting out and cleaning the bundles were left to dry out for the big day.
The making of the crosses is always a special celebration of our school community and Bro. Fred was joined by Fr. Mike, Bro. Gerry, Ms. McBride and lots of teachers and SNAs. We learned from Ms. Joyce how to make the crosses step by step and with lots of trial and error and encouragement the group came together at the end of the period to have their finished crosses blessed by Fr. Mike to take home.
The students had fun together, learned more about Irish faith traditions and learned about the importance of community.
If you ever tried to make a cross before you know it takes practice and patience.
Bro. Fred would like to thank everyone for taking part and it was really great to see some students who are gifted with craft hands helping others who were struggling.